Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Conditions Often Mistaken for Plantar Fasciitis
Conditions Often Mistaken for Plantar Fasciitis Plantar fasciitis is a painful condition affecting feet that you can feel with every step you take. The main symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain in the arch of your foot. Its usually localized at the sole of your foot, but the pain can be perceived as radiating throughout parts of your foot, ankle, and lower leg. That means plantar fasciitis might be confused with other conditions affecting your foot. A number of conditions can cause foot pain and be mistaken for plantar fasciitis. These conditions typically must be evaluated and ruled out before a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis. Ruptured Plantar Fascia In plantar fasciitis, the plantar fascia has micro-tears throughout the tissue. With a ruptured plantar fascia, the tears are larger and represent a significant injury. The two conditions have similar symptoms, but they are differentiated by the severity of pain and cause of the injury. A ruptured plantar fascia is almost always significantly more painful than plantar fasciitis. It also usually has a precursor, either plantar fasciitis or significant trauma. If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, it could worsen, weakening the plantar fascia to the point that it ruptures. If your foot is otherwise healthy, then it usually occurs during trauma or significant impact to your foot. Rupturing your plantar fascia is usually accompanied by a â€Å"pop†resulting in severe pain and an inability to bear weight on that foot. Swelling and bruising often soon follow. Surgery and other medical procedures might be needed to help the plantar fascia mend. Arthritis Arthritis is a common condition many people suffer from somewhere in the body. When arthritis occurs in the lower leg, ankle, or some part of the foot, the pain can be perceived the same way as pain from plantar fasciitis. Not only can the location of pain from arthritis be confused with plantar fasciitis pain, but also the occurrence of pain can be similar. Arthritis pain usually is worse when the arthritic joint is being used. When the joint is at rest there might be no pain, the same pattern you see in plantar fasciitis. So you might have arthritis in your heel and not notice it until you take a step. Arthritis can be more painful when the body part is cold. The first step in the morning might be the most painful of the day with both plantar fasciitis and arthritis of the foot, simply because the anatomy is cold and tight and has not warmed up. The pain may dissipate with either as the foot warms up and blood flows more robustly. To diagnose plantar fasciitis, arthritis must usually be ruled out. Arthritis can be diagnosed with a more thorough workup by your doctor. Imaging tests might be needed. Stress Fracture Another condition commonly mistaken for plantar fasciitis is a stress fracture. A stress fracture is normally a partially broken bone. Instead of being broken all the way through, the bone is only cracked along a surface. Stress fractures usually are shallow along the surface of the bone but might be deep. Some stress fractures are a single crack in the bone, while others might be an interweaving of small cracks, like the cracked shell of a hard-boiled egg. If the stress fracture is in your heel, toe, or metatarsal, then the pain might seem to be coming from the same spot as plantar fasciitis and feel like an injured plantar fascia: The more pressure you put on it, the more pain you feel. A stress fracture usually is distinguished from plantar fasciitis by pinpointing the location of the pain. Pain from a stress fracture also doesnt tend to dissipate the same way that pain from plantar fasciitis does as the fascia gets warmed and loosened up. If the pain comes from the top of the foot, it is more likely to be a stress fracture in the metatarsal, which is prone to developing such fractures. If the pain is in the bottom of the foot, it is more likely to be plantar fasciitis. Pain from a stress fracture in the heel bone often seems to be coming from the same place as does plantar fasciitis. An x-ray typically can identify or rule out a stress fracture as the cause of your pain, even if the probability of it being plantar fasciitis is much higher. Circulatory Issues Issues with your circulatory system, such as bad circulation or cardiovascular problems, can cause symptoms similar to plantar fasciitis. Your feet are the body parts farthest from your heart and tend to feel the effects of poor circulation first. Are your feet ever cold while the rest of you is warm, and not because youre walking on a cold floor? Gravity and weight are also factors. Your blood pressure is higher in your lower body, especially in your feet, than it is in your upper body because theres more pressure on it. Inflammation in your feet and lower legs- from being on your feet for a while, for example- can further constrict blood vessels. Not only does blood flow down to your feet, but it also must be pumped back up. The weakening of those support systems, the one-way valves in your veins, results in varicose veins. All this can lead to pain, which can be caused by weaknesses in the blood vessels resulting in a backup of blood flowing, creating painful pressure. Pain may also be caused by a lack of oxygen and nutrients getting to the tissue in your feet because of poor blood flow. Instead of your foot falling asleep, you might feel a deep, throbbing ache. Pain also can be caused by blood clots, which can lead to life-threatening situations. Because circulatory issues are serious, they should be thoroughly vetted and ruled out if youre having pain in your foot, even if you think its probably plantar fasciitis. This is especially true if you have varicose veins, tingling or swelling in the foot, or the same symptoms in both feet because plantar fasciitis is typically a single-foot injury. Your doctor can evaluate your cardiovascular health by monitoring your blood pressure and blood oxygen level. The doctor might also suggest an EKG and a cardiovascular stress test to find out whats going on. Nerve Entrapment Nerves can cause extreme pain when compromised. The pain might not be felt where the nerve is compromised but at the end of the nerve structure, where the nerves chemical signals are parsed out to the cells that receive them. Nerve entrapment syndrome sometimes is confused with plantar fasciitis. In nerve entrapment syndrome, pressure is placed on a nerve by some other body part, such as a bone, muscle, or cyst. When a nerve is trapped or pinched by other tissue, that tissue squeezes it and the nerve sends out a pain signal. This can happen to many nerves in your body, but the one most commonly mistaken for plantar fasciitis is the tibial nerve, which runs down the back of your leg. When the tibial nerve is pinched or entrapped near the ankle, it is called tarsal tunnel syndrome. The tibial nerve is most often entrapped there because its a mass of nerves, ligaments, and muscles squeezing through a skeletal structure called the tarsal tunnel, similar to the wrists carpal tunnel. If the tibial nerve is pinched, then you feel pain in the bottom of your foot much like with plantar fasciitis. Unlike plantar fasciitis, you might also feel tingling or numbness in the bottom of your foot. You should be able to replicate the symptoms without placing weight on your foot. If you can perform the same motions and pinch the nerve with your foot elevated, then the pain is most likely not coming from the plantar fascia. Sciatica Sciatica is another nerve-induced pain that can be mistaken for plantar fasciitis. Sciatica comes from farther away than tarsal tunnel syndrome, however. Sciatica is a pinching or irritation of the nerve in your spine. Your spine is composed of a number of bones, or vertebrae. Between each vertebra is a disc, similar to a gel pad, that cushions the vertebrae against each other and allows for flexibility of the spine. A disc might get irritated and, like most irritated body parts, become inflamed. The inflammation usually results in swelling in one small part of the disc, which makes the disc act like an old rubber inner tube. If there is a weak spot in the wall of an inner tube, it will bulge when you inflate it. The disc bulges, and if it takes more damage, it can rupture. This is a herniated disc. The main nerve column in the body runs along the spine. The sciatic nerve, one of the body’s largest nerves, runs in this nerve bundle. When the disc bulges or ruptures, it can put pressure on part of the sciatic nerve, resulting in sciatica. This often sends a shooting pain down your leg, but the pain might be felt in your foot. As with other nerve pain, you might also feel a tingling or numbness, which can differentiate sciatica from plantar fasciitis. Fat Pad Atrophy Atrophy of the heels fat pad also might be confused with plantar fasciitis. As you age, this fat pad becomes thinner. Other factors might affect the thinning, but science doesnt fully understand whats happening. This fat pad is the first cushion for your gait. The pad can become so thin that it doesnt cushion the heel bone, and the heel suffers from repetitive trauma that can result in painful irritation, inflammation, a bone bruise, or a stress fracture. The pain often occurs in the same location as pain from plantar fasciitis. The pain might also be worse in the morning and dissipate as you loosen up. A doctor usually can determine if this is causing the pain by examining the thickness of the heel’s fat pad. Achilles Tendon Rupture Like a ruptured plantar fascia, an Achilles tendon rupture may create symptoms similar to plantar fasciitis. A ruptured Achilles tendon is a major tear in the thick tendon that runs along the back of your ankle from your calf to your heel. With a ruptured Achilles tendon, you have difficulty bearing weight on the foot. The pain can be severe and doesnt necessarily dissipate when you are off your feet. Another difference between a ruptured Achilles tendon and plantar fasciitis is that the pain with a ruptured Achilles usually is felt along the back of the heel; with plantar fasciitis, pain is more likely to be felt along the front of your foot. Tendonitis Tendonitis is similar in nature to plantar fasciitis, as the tissue that makes up the plantar fascia is the same type of tissue that makes up a tendon. Tendonitis can occur in any tendon within your body, and there are several tendons in your foot. Tendonitis in any foot tendon can result in pain when you step and stretch the tendon. The pain also should dissipate as the tendon warms and loosens up. The tendon in the foot most likely to develop tendonitis is the Achilles tendon along the back of your foot. You can usually distinguish between Achilles tendonitis and plantar fasciitis by the location of the pain. Achilles tendonitis generally results in pain along the back of the heel, while plantar fasciitis generally means pain in front of the heel. Bursitis Bursitis is another repetitive stress injury that can occur throughout the body. Bursae in the foot can become inflamed and develop bursitis like their more commonly stricken brethren in the knee, elbow, shoulder, and wrist. An inflamed bursa is tender and exudes pain when its compressed. If this occurs in the foot, especially in a bursa at the bottom of the foot, it can present symptoms similar to plantar fasciitis. Bursitis can be differentiated from plantar fasciitis by direct pressure. Since an inflamed bursa is tender and plantar fascia has little sensitivity, massaging it without much pain would indicate plantar fasciitis. If massaging or just touching it causes a lot of pain, then it is more likely to be bursitis.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Francis Bacons Classic Essay, Of Truth
Francis Bacon's Classic Essay, Of Truth Of Truth is the opening essay in the final edition of the philosopher, statesman and jurist Francis Bacons Essays or Counsels, Civil and Moral (1625). In this essay, as associate professor of philosophy Svetozar Minkov points out, Bacon addresses the question of whether it is worse to lie to others or to oneselfto possess truth (and lie, when necessary, to others) or to think one possesses the truth but be mistaken and hence unintentionally convey falsehoods to both oneself and to others (Francis Bacons Inquiry Touching Human Nature, 2010). In Of Truth, Bacon argues that people have a natural inclination to lie to others: a natural though corrupt love, of the lie itself. Of Truth What is truth? said jesting Pilate, and would not stay for an answer. Certainly, there be that delight in giddiness, and count it a bondage to fix a belief, affecting free-will in thinking as well as in acting. And though the sects of philosophers of that kind be gone, yet there remain certain discoursing wits which are of the same veins, though there be not so much blood in them as was in those of the ancients. But it is not only the difficulty and labor which men take in finding out of truth, nor again that when it is found it imposeth upon mens thoughts, that doth bring lies in favor, but a natural though corrupt love of the lie itself. One of the later school of the Grecians examineth the matter, and is at a stand to think what should be in it, that men should love lies where neither they make for pleasure, as with poets, nor for advantage, as with the merchant; but for the lies sake. But I cannot tell: this same truth is a naked and open daylight that doth not show the masques a nd mummeries and triumphs of the world half so stately and daintily as candle-lights. Truth may perhaps come to the price of a pearl that showeth best by day; but it will not rise to the price of a diamond or carbuncle, that showeth best in varied lights. A mixture of a lie doth ever add pleasure. Doth any man doubt that if there were taken out of mens minds vain opinions, flattering hopes, false valuations, imaginations as one would, and the like, but it would leave the minds of a number of men poor shrunken things, full of melancholy and indisposition, and unpleasing to themselves? One of the fathers, in great severity, called poesy vinum daemonum [the wine of devils] because it filleth the imagination, and yet it is but with the shadow of a lie. But it is not the lie that passeth through the mind, but the lie that sinketh in and settleth in it that doth the hurt, such as we spake of before. But howsoever these things are thus in mens depraved judgments and affections, yet truth, which only doth judge itself, teacheth that the inquiry of truth, which is the love-ma king or wooing of it; the knowledge of truth, which is the presence of it; and the belief of truth, which is the enjoying of it, is the sovereign good of human nature. The first creature of God in the works of the days was the light of the sense; the last was the light of reason; and his Sabbath work ever since is the illumination of his spirit. First he breathed light upon the face of the matter, or chaos; then he breathed light into the face of man; and still he breatheth and inspireth light into the face of his chosen. The poet that beautified the sect that was otherwise inferior to the rest, saith yet excellently well, It is a pleasure to stand upon the shore, and to see ships tossed upon the sea; a pleasure to stand in the window of a castle, and to see a battle and the adventures thereof below; but no pleasure is comparable to the standing upon the vantage ground of truth (a hill not to be commanded, and where the air is always clear and serene), and to see the errors and wanderings and mists and tempests in the vale below*; so always that this prospect be with pity, and not with swelling or pride. Certainly it is heaven upon earth to have a mans mind move in charity, rest in providence, and turn upon the poles of truth. To pass from theological and philosophical truth to the truth of civil business: it will be acknowledged, even by those that practice it not, that clear and round dealing is the honor of mans nature, and that mixture of falsehood is like alloy in coin of gold and silver, which may make the metal work the better, but it embaseth it. For these winding and crooked courses are the goings of the serpent, which goeth basely upon the belly and not upon the feet. There is no vice that doth so cover a man with shame as to be found false and perfidious; and therefore Montaigne saith prettily, when he inquired the reason why the word of the lie should be such a disgrace and such an odious charge. Saith he, If it be well weighed, to say that a man lieth, is as much as to say that he is brave towards God, and a coward towards man. For a lie faces God, and shrinks from man. Surely the wickedness of falsehood and breach of faith cannot possibly be so highly expressed as in that it shall be the last peal to call the judgments of God upon the generations of men: it being foretold that when Christ cometh, He shall not find faith upon the earth. *Bacons paraphrase of the opening lines of Book II of On the Nature of Things by Roman poet Titus Lucretius Carus.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Realism, Fantasy & Utopia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1
Realism, Fantasy & Utopia - Essay Example Truth and reality can be further defined by looking at the theories of how they are experienced has been examined in philosophical terms. Finally, seeing reality as it is reflected through art forms helps to define the way in which the nature of truth and reality are created, transformed, and then recreated. Truth and reality, because they are defined by absolutes, are a myth in which societies form beliefs in order to frame and explain their world. Reality is defined by the perception of the individual, even though it is often collaboratively linked within cultures, communities, and the greater society. In the end, one person’s reality is not the same as another’s because truth is defined by experience, not by a sense of mutually defined realness. Truth and reality are framed by the nature of experience within the individual, and while they may have some commonality through cultural similarities, in the end, a reality is confined within an individual, the truths of life developed though understandings surrounding experience that accumulate into a series of definitions. Foucault said of truth that each society has its regime of truth. However, the individual’s truth is based upon his position in life and less intrinsically linked to his level of intellectuality (208). Therefore, the question of how to define truth as it relates to the ideology of a society becomes a complexity that frames social constructio n, but is dependent upon the interpretation of individuals through their relating experiences. Foucault also linked truth to power, that power supports the promotion of truths so that belief can be created and framed as truth (208). An example of this can be seen through looking at the work of Galileo who determined that the Earth revolved around the sun, rather than the sun revolving around the Earth. However, because of the religious power of the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Evaluating websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Evaluating websites - Essay Example For academic purposes however, khanacademy.org may not pass as a valid reference because it is not considered a scholarly site but rather just a tutorial. It could however, support as reference to scholarly journals. With Hulu.com, the films and clips that would be shown there can be referenced because it is the film maker that matters in academic citation and not the medium or platform. I chose to evaluate these two websites because they are very popular among teenagers like me and I would like to figure out myself if they are valid and substantive website. I also would like to know if they could pass for academic referencing. After studying that valid academic websites must be supported by scientific methodologies, I concluded khancademy.org may not qualify to be used as a primary reference even if it is very popular among students like me. Of course these websites are very helpful and easy to use especially Hulu.com. Who does not want to watch movies and tv anyway? It is also almost plug and play the moment we have chosen our desired film or tv series so it is very easy to use. It is also very helpful because the interface of the website is very easy to understand and navigate (hulu.com). With regard to khanacademy.org, the website is also extremely helpful with the basics in case we want to brush up with it. The site however is not much of use to college students and especially if the lessons that we are dealing with are quite complex. In addition, it cannot be used as a primary reference and not a site for research. With regard to its ease of use, the website is also easy to navigate and the subjects are logically arranged and categorized so that they can be easily located (khanacademy.org). There are things that could be learned from khancademy.org than Hulu.com. Hulu.com is an entertainment website and in academic sense, there is nothing much to be picked from it. But if we want to have a cost effective
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Problems with Nazi Support Essay Example for Free
Problems with Nazi Support Essay Using your own knowledge and the evidence of the sources identify the problems we face when looking to identify Nazi support in the period up to 1933. In the 1932 Reichstag elections, the NSDAP became Germanys largest political party with approximately 37% of the total electoral vote. In contrast to the relatively small party of 1928, this was a dramatic rise in party popularity. What is even more interesting is how Hitler and the NSDAP did not usurp power in a military sense. Instead, Hitler was voted into power by millions of unsuspecting citizens from a range of sociological, economical and ideological backgrounds. However, due to this new consensus among modern historians (post -1980), the stress on the individual as oppose to the class has led to a more complex understanding of who essentially favoured the Nazi party; deeming it even harder to identify empirical evidence from sources. Initially, before 1928, the NSDAP had failed to make a significant impact in German politics and they were merely a group with little popular support. However, due to the collapse of the Wall Street Crash and the subsequent recall of loans back to the USA, unemployment had risen dramatically in Germany and latent discontent with the Weimar government was rife. The socio-economic dislocation caused by the Wall Street Crash began to deepen, which acted as the catalyst for the marked rise in those changing their political allegiance to the more radical political groups. These people included self employed businessmen, artisans, retailers, peasant farmers and industrial workers, who had previously voted for the other parties but had now turned to the Nazi regime who offered what the then current Weimar system could not. Therefore, traditionalist interpretations of the support held by historians such as Childers and Noakes assert that it was a combination of the petty bourgeoisie and Protestants who overwhelmingly represented the support for Nazis. As Childers states in his book entitled The Nazi Voter, being a Protestant in rural Germany greatly increased such a propensity, essentially stating that there was a specific trend of rural Protestants who fuelled the support for Hitler. However, Childer does acknowledge that the Nazi Party was a Volkspartei (Peoples Party) whose levels of support were actually from a broad range of social groups. In addition, Childer argues that when analysing this ambiguity, it is important to contextualise the provenance of the election polls and the specific grievances of those who [chose] the NSDAP to speak for them. For example, it is important to contextualise the extent of support acquired from the middle classes under the 2nd Reich, contrasting with the support fr om the new middle classes after the election. Dick Geary in his book entitled Who Voted for the Nazis? somewhat opposes the view of Childer, who basically argues that the timing of when a specific poll was made is arbitrary because of the lack of reliability in studying percentages. Hence, this is why many believe that modern opinion polls are necessary in the search for definitive evidence on the subject. Geary explains how in a particular county 28% of the artisans voted for Nazis. However, he argues that the difficulty lies in how the people who voted cannot be specified, as he states what if it [the votes] came from the farmers plus people in business, rendering the statistical evidence somewhat invalid. Other difficulties historians face involve the lack of depth to many contemporary foreign journals and accounts, which often neglect the question of who supported the Nazis. In order to gather evidence about why the individuals voted, one survey from Abel documents over 580 Nazi member autobiographies. Although still significant today, one potential problem which is discussed by the historian Brustein is how one cannot accurately surmise whether or not the individual actually believes in his/her sentiments towards voting for the Nazi party. In his book entitled The Logic of Evil, Brustein, from a modern perspective, argues that regardless of the idea of support gathering as a result of a peoples movement, the support was only an inch deep. In addition, Brustein asserts that all who voted fell under the underlying principles of dissatisfaction, resentment and fear; exposing the Nazi support to mere superficiality. This severe lack of genuine support for the Nazis even resounds in the opposition to the Hitler Youth; namely the Navajos, Pirates and the Black gang, who would attack anyone in the Hitler Youth because of their following of the Nazi regime. In the last twenty years, a number of problems have been countered when analysing the statistical methodology and sources of the Nazi era. This has inevitably given birth to the complex views proposed by Falter and Brustein, who posit that German workers were far more attracted to the Nazis than many have argued in the past. However, one fundamental issue that cannot be solved is the difficulty in measuring the honest thoughts of the German public and whether or not the lack of any pre-existing loyalties (political or religious) aided the Nazis significantly. Having said this, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence which still stresses that the Mittelstand and the Protestant communities voted disproportionately in favour of the Nazis more so than any other class.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Criminal Justice System Essay examples -- Restorative Justice, Me
The criminal justice system views any crime as a crime committed against the state and places much emphasis on retribution and paying back to the community, through time, fines or community work. Historically punishment has been a very public affair, which was once a key aspect of the punishment process, through the use of the stocks, dunking chair, pillory, and hangman’s noose, although in today’s society punishment has become a lot more private (Newburn, 2007). However it has been argued that although the debt against the state has been paid, the victim of the crime has been left with no legal input to seek adequate retribution from the offender, leaving the victim perhaps feeling unsatisfied with the criminal justice process. Furthermore can formal social control institutions such as the criminal justice system and the government provide the best aspect of producing conformity and law abiding behaviour? Hirschi’s (1969) social control theory is concerned with what effect formal institutions have on conformity in individuals and in particular, how law abiding behaviour is produced due to these institutions (Walklate, 2005). However Wilson (2007) argues that formal methods of social control such as the criminal justice system are merely there to control and segregate delinquents and offenders who have not had adequate socialisation, which is where social mores are learnt and when conformity is produced, and that an alternative form of social control such as restorative justice might produce more effective results. The concept of restorative justice was heavily shaped by the work of John Braithwaite (1989) who in turn was inspired by indigenous practices in New Zealand and Australia, whereby the significance of family value... ...apabilities to deal with this which is not the case so much nowadays as Tony Marshall (1999) argues. There are criticisms over procedures, loss of rights such as an independent and impartial forum as well as the principle of proportionality in sentencing. There is also an unrealistic expectation that restorative justice can produce major changes in deviant behaviour, as there is not enough evidence to support this claim (Cunneen, 2007). Levrant et al (1999) on the other hand suggests that restorative justice still remains unproven in its’ effectiveness to stop reoffending and argues that its appeal lies in its apparent morality and humanistic sentiments rather than its empirical effectiveness. He continues to argue that it allows people to feel better within themselves through having the moral high ground rather than focusing on providing justice to the offender.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
The issue that we have been researching and investigating in class is alcohol education in school, so that we can campaign and raise some kind of awareness for alcohol education as a regular lesson in all schools throughout Britain. The reason for this is because we feel and have noticed that young adults in their teen years are drinking regularly on a daily basis and a part of that main reason might actually be the fact that we don't have any real education to teach us about the dangerous effects of alcohol and this leaves them vulnerable when drinking.Robert Prefer, under of the rehab centre Sober College, said,†Vive seen an increase in risky behavior in young adults over the last year, I think that alcohol education programs should be introduced â€Å". Alcohol abuse is becoming an increasing important topic among teenage school students. Although we try to teach students to not to EVER start drinking and that it's illegal to for a minor to consume alcohol, the reality is that they will be likely to try it before they finish secondary school college. â€Å"Let's pay Dry.Curry, who is the dean of the College of Public Health at the University of Iowa. You may want to take a look at how you are drinking. If it escalates, you're at risk, but you can change that now. †I know what most young adults drink for social reasons or because they want to ‘impress' some people they may know, but they don't know any of the negative effects that can happen afterwards. Drinking today is much more open than it has been years ago. It's only because of the numerous equipments that have access to the media and advertisements.Whilst researching the current law regarding alcohol I found out that the teen must be 18 or up before he or she can u or drink alcohol beverages. Lastly, it is against the law for your teenager/sees to possess alcohol on any street, highway, or public place, carry alcohol in a car, or be a passenger in carrying alcohol unless accompani ed by parent of legal guardian. The problems that can arise from drinking, can involve around sicknesses, addiction, social behavior and even death!When we buy alcohol we have the responsibility to look after ourselves and not drink way too much but then again we have the right to purchase alcohol at the age of 18. My first argument is about getting behind the wheel while being drunk. Statistics suggest that 60 percent of teenage deaths in car accidents are related to alcohol. Motor vehicle crashes remain the number one cause of death among teens aged 1 5 to 20. A few reasons why a drunk teenager might get behind the wheel is not wanting to get in trouble by calling parents, friends, etc.Another reason can be that the teenage boy or girl might feel that there isn't another way to get home. I'm pretty sure that teens that get behind the wheel after consuming major amounts of alcohol don't even think about any of the consequences that can occur. They might also think that is not a big deal and that it's alright to do if other teens do the same. For all teens, the risk of involvement in a motor vehicle accident is greater than it is for older drivers. Teens that drink and drive are more likely to get into an accident than if their parents drink and drive.In fact, a teenage boy with a . 05 blood alcohol concentration is 18 times more likely to suffer an accident than a teen that does not drink. Also three out of four teen drivers that were killed in a crash as a result from drinking and riving were not wearing their stables. Teens, such as African Americans, are even less likely to wear their settable in the car than their Caucasian friends are. Teens are more likely to participate in dangerous situations and terrible circumstances. I also read studies by SAD that found out 28. Percent of teens from the age of 14-19, rode one or more times in a car with someone who had been drinking as the driver. Half of teen deaths from motor vehicle accidents happen between 3:0 0 P. M. And midnight. Moreover, 54 percent happen on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday. Eight teens ii daily as the result of an alcohol related car accident. 1,500 teens, ages 15-20 die in car accidents every year. There is no reason why a teen should drink and drive. We shouldn't let teenage peer pressure or other influences affect the decision to not drink and drive.Being part of a teenager is making mistakes and growing up; drunk driving is a mistake that someone may have to carry with themselves for the rest of their life. ‘There is no reason why a teen should drink and drive. There are always other things that can be done rather than getting behind the wheel†says Dry. Tania Doorman from the University of Bath. This argument is telling us we need alcohol education because teenagers from our school shouldn't be dieing in car accidents, because they weren't taught anything about risks.Also we need to be more positive and stress that most our of students are responsible a nd that we are are not worried about them drinking and driving when we really are. Research shows that 1 out of 8 people have sex under the influence of alcohol. Mixing sex with too much alcohol could leave you with more than you earned for. The SE of alcohol can affect anything and it's very easy to forget about using a condom or taking the pill which could leave you vulnerable to sexually transmitted infections, an unwanted pregnancy or a night you regret with someone that you're not even attracted to.Choosing to have sex for the first time can make you feel different kinds of emotions. You might feel excited, stressed, scared and nervous all at once. Drinking to deal with these conflicting feelings may be an important factor when people lose their virginity. Like other drugs, alcohol drinking can seem like a good dead if you're nervous about being naked in front of another person, or worried about ‘getting it right' in bed. But studies show that nearly one third of teens sa id they were unhappy with the way they lost their virginity, because they were too drunk.It also doesn't help that too much alcohol can affect men's sexual performance. Dry. Joyce Bam of INCH commented on the â€Å"increased and intensified†message in schools concerning the down side of teen sex: â€Å"Given how many of those efforts are going on,†Bam said, â€Å"it is probably making an impact on both abstinence and responsible sexual behavior. †Also, the consequence of not using some kind of birth control pills is that you or your partner could get pregnant. The I-J currently has one of the highest teenage pregnancies.Not using a condom because you've been drinking could mean facing parenthood longing before you feel ready. Also, a SACS reporter stated, â€Å"60 percent of college women, who have acquired sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS and genital herpes, were under the influence of alcohol at the time they had intercourse. Planning ahead is a good idea. If you think hat you're likely to have sex, stay away from too much alcohol. †This is telling us we need alcohol education because we could warn students about the effects of sex that I have listed above.Another reason why we need alcohol education for this argument is to keep our students safe, make them not do decisions they will regret in the future. They might not have support at home from their parents or guardians but they could rely on us if we had these types of organizations. We could either protect a female student from getting pregnant while alcohol education in BECK is formed or to which would then make us really weak and no one would support our campaign. Adolescents should be the healthiest people on the planet, the â€Å"almost grown ups†still young and full of dreams for the future.But today's adolescents are a troubled generation. Far from being the healthiest time of life, adolescence is instead a period of risk and vulnerability. Accor ding to scientists, bodies that are still growing and undeveloped are the ones that get involved with drinking, drugs and sex. And evidence shows British teenagers are among those exposed to the greatest threats. While puberty takes adolescents into a period of risky behavior powered by their hormones, their brains are still vulnerable to the effects of activities such as drinking and drug taking.Scientist, Jay Square said â€Å"the adolescent brain is handicapped in the rational assessment of risk and prone to â€Å"hot cognitions†. These decisions are influenced by exciting or stressful conditions which adults are better able to get rid of than teens. The modern teenager is taking longer than ever to grow up as social changes have added years to education and delayed marriage. Or basically the average teen is taking longer to ‘settle down'. Eighteen years of age is no longer regarded as the start of adulthood.Fifty years ago, people married and started families at th is age. Today over three times more young people are in further education and most spend years in work before marrying and ‘settling down'. US researchers warned I-J researchers last year that heavy drinking during the teenage years, when the brain is still growing, can affect the brain, particularly the development of memory and the ability to tell what is on a map. Adolescents should vive life, and have fun.Diseases from drinking alcohol need to be mentioned in alcohol education, not to scare the students and never make them drink alcohol but to let them know they're responsible for how much they want to drink and when they feel like doing it. Alcohol metabolism could be explained later on how the body breaks down and eliminates alcohol from the body because everyone's bodies are different. Our Job would be to let them know everything about what happens after you drink alcohol under-age when you're brain and other parts of your body are still developing.My last argument is a bout what happens to your body after you drink a few glasses or shots of alcohol and if you really want all that to happen to you. When you take a drink, about 20 percent of the alcohol is absorbed in your stomach and the remaining 80 percent is absorbed in your small intestine. But usually after the alcohol is absorbed, it enters your bloodstream and is carried throughout your body. As the alcohol acts upon the body, the body is working really hard to remove it. The kidneys and lungs remove about 10 percent of the alcohol in the urine and the Citizenship This part of the essay will focus on why citizenship has become such a significant political issue in the UK. It will highlight what citizenship Is, who gets the citizenship and what the problems are that are affecting the country. Citizenship Is about being actively Involved In society; It Is a clear concept concerning migration and legal status which Is formed of having the rights to stay In the country, rights to enter freely and rights to welfare and education.Citizenship has become a significant political issue in the UK because of the mass majority of people who grant here from their countries in order to build a life in the I-J. The country is getting over populated with immigrants and eastern European people, these individuals are coming to the country and are taking on work which pays less than the minimum wage which can at times deprive citizens getting Jobs.Doing the life In the UK test to qualify for citizenship has proven to be insignificant due to the Inconsistency of t he questions one ought to study: The report Is endorsed by the Revered. Lord Roberts, the Vice-Chalk of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration quote ‘examining the test and Its role In British Immigration policy. My report concluded that the test Is impractical;' published the first independent and comprehensive report examining the test and its role in British immigration policy.My report concluded that the test is impractical, inconsistent and contains serious gender imbalance rendering it unfit for purpose' (migrants rights). Furthermore less than the majority even knows how to fluently speak English which invalidates how or what the questions on the SOL version of the life in the UK test teaches, although the government introduced these test to enforce migrants to participate in society it isn't worked well, these people are studying for the test in order to pass and benefit from what the country has to offer to those who are British citizens.Although the governmen t has been reinforcing new rules and regulation that makes It hard for immigrants to obtain visas and are tougher on Asylum seekers now days, the country Is still growing In migrants who either come and do labor work for low wages which impacts on those skilled workers getting good paid work and those migrants have no sense of dependency, they come to the UK expecting a better life for no hard work NY type of work at all, this is where the political problem occurs. Citizenship By Loretta political issue in the I-J.It will highlight what citizenship is, who gets the citizenship Citizenship is about being actively involved in society; it is a clear concept concerning migration and legal status which is formed of having the rights to stay in the country, significant political issue in the I-J because of the mass majority of people who Doing the life in the UK test to qualify for citizenship has proven to be insignificant due to the inconsistency of the questions one ought to study: The report is endorsed y the Revered.Lord Roberts, the Vice-chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration quote ‘examining the test and its role in British immigration policy. My report concluded that the test is impractical;' published the first independent and what the questions on the SOL version of the life in the I-J test teaches, although government has been reinforcing new rules and regulation that makes it hard for is still growing in migrants who either come and do labor work for low wages which sense of dependency, they come to the I-J expecting a better life for no hard work. Citizenship Citizenship and Friendship is a piece from †Habits of the Heart’, which is written by Robert N. Bellah and associates. This passage talks about how the definition of friendship changes over time in American communities. Bellah says that classical ideas of friendship in early America contains three important elements that †Friends must enjoy one another’s company, friends must be useful to one another, and friends must share a common commitment to the good†. According to Bellah, the first two elements still exist at present days, but the third component seems being abandoned by people today.I disagree with Bellah’s idea because I think the third component, sharing a common commitment to the good, is still regarded as an important part of friendship. People reveal the third trait by donating, by volunteering and by agreeing to political stands. (T) Many people donate funds to foreign countries for helping them, and therefore, they establish an int ernational friendship. (R) According to the passage, traditional view of friendship is â€Å"not merely private: they are public, even political,for a civic order†. E)Like Bellah mentions, some people combine resources with only one goal and that is to help others, regardless their backgrounds. (E)For example, in the earthquake in 2008 in China, Japanese Government donated 5,300,000,000 Yen(approximately 5000,000 USD) to the earthquake. It was the second largest donation from all of the foreign countries. As we all know, Japan had aggressed China in World War II. These two countries had a really bad relationship in recent hundred years. However, Japan gave such a great help regardless the political disagreements, when China suffered disasters.Besides Japan donating money, they also sent volunteers , food supplies, shelters and medical attentions. (A) Japan placed the public good ahead of its political conflicts. They developed a friendship by providing resources such as money and volunteers to help china to recover from the earthquake. (C) The third element of friendship is maintained by providing helps without politics standing in the way. (T) People who work together for volunteer can establish a strong friendship. R) †But friendships were by no means confined to local communities in early American society,†Bellah says, â€Å"Particularly where a common cause united them, people of quire different backgrounds could become friends. †(E) The friendship derived from volunteering has a great strength because those volunteers are sharing the common goal, which is to serve for the society. (E)Tracing back to my high school year, I had an experience to be a volunteer to teach kids who could not afford the tuition. At that time, I met one of my best friends. We worked together for several weeks, but we seldom talked to each other.Until one day, we were assigned a work, which was designing an activity for children’s day. We became c lose through discussing and working on the assignment. We started chatting about the reason we came for the volunteer and the view for the future. Surprisingly, she understand my thought better than any of my friends. I felt our heart was so close in touch. We kept contacting each other after the volunteer and exchanged our views frequently. She was acting like a soulmate in life. (A)I think the reason we can be so close is because we have the same value and same concern to the public good. Volunteer is the linkage bind us together. C)Volunteering shows that the third component of friendship is important for people to establish a friendship and maintain the strength of that friendship. (T) In front of political disagreement, people choose to put common concern for the public good ahead of any individual conflicts. (R)The passage says †Their reconciliation after a period of bitter estrangement illustrates their capacity to put their common concern for the public good ahead of t heir Partisan disagreements†(e) Some people choose to abandon their original political stand and put the common concern on the first place for benefiting the nation. E)Here, I want to talk about Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton. This two people were both candidates for the election five years ago. Even though they were both in Democratic party, they emphasized the different point of views. Obama and Clinton disagreed on few issues since 2005. For instance, Obama voted the Mandate, which forces automaker to achieve 40 mile-per-gallon average fuel economy by the year 2017. Meanwhile, Clinton rejected it. Moreover, Clinton voted for using force in Iraq. However, Obama fought against Wars. Cliton and Obama became friends after they work together. I consider Hillary a strong friend. †Obama said in CBS 60’ minutes. (A) Clinton put away her original view and functioned as a coherent unit with Obama for benefiting the people in America. (C)As a result, Obama and Clinton developed their friendship because they worked for the same goal for their nation. Overall, the third component can be shown by donating, volunteering, and agreeing to political stands. Sharing the same commitment to the good are still one of the most important elements of friendship today. It’s the key of establishing and maintaining a true friendship.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Underlining Synoptic Gospels
Underlining Synoptic Gospels The Gospels of Luke, Mark, and Matthew offer three similar yet different ways of retelling past events. The passages chosen are the Sermon on the Mount, The Beatitudes, Commissioning of the Twelve, The Fate of the Disciples, and The Coming of the Son of Man. The authors gave their interpretation to different events. Each Gospel clearly gives a general overview of everything taking place during this time period. The only difference exists in detail. The Gospels of Luke, Mark, and Matthew demonstrate the differences in similar stories being told by multiple authors. The Gospels of Luke, Mark, and Matthew match up very well. They generally follow the same storyline for each reading. In the Sermon, they tell how great crowds came from all over flocking to where Jesus was. The Beatitudes match up from Gospel to Gospel. The Commissioning of the twelve tell how Jesus chose his twelve apostles and sent them out on missions to heal the sick and cure the diseased. Apostles will be guided with what to say if questioned in Fate of the Disciples. Lastly, the coming of the son of man is described in all three Gospels. Differences are inevitable when different sources retell stories. The Gospels are no different. Each Gospel gives a different perspective than the other. What is not seen in one gospel is picked up in another. Examples are how masses came to see Jesus for healing, the Beatitudes, and the Disciples. Matthew neglects to tell how the masses of people came from Tyre and Sidon upon heading of Jesus’ miraculous healing powers. These individuals came from all over just for the opportunity to touch him in hopes of being healed. [1] This should have been put in for sure. This is just a blatant example of the power Jesus had. It separated Jesus from the false gods and prophets at the time. Mark does not contain the Beatitudes while Luke’s show of the Beatitudes is slightly shorter than Matthews. Mark may have chosen to not incorporate them into his text. The validity of the Beatitudes, based on this assignment alone, may be challenged based on how one author does not have any and the other two vary. In the Commissioning of the Twelve, Mark is the only author to give the small detail that Jesus sent the Disciples out two by two after giving them authority over unclean spirits. [2] After giving his disciples authority, Matthew does not tell how Jesus went up onto the mountain before he summoned his apostles. Mark does however, by saying that â€Å"He went up on the mountain and called to him those who he wanted and they came to him. †[3] This may be because the source that told Matthew may have not seen Jesus on upon the mountain. Luke and Mark may have had a source that watched it first hand or Matthew may have chosen to leave it out. Continuing with the Commissioning of the Twelve, another difference exists. Luke and Mark, not Matthew, both tell how Jesus went up on a mountain and called his twelve disciples and they were from that point on known as apostles. 4] The main problem with this situation is there is a difference in apostle’s names. All three Gospels have twelve names listed. Mark and Matthew had the name Thaddaeus and Luke had a second Judas. [5] The differences and similarities found in the Gospels are why they must be read together for comparison, much like anything else recorded second hand by various authors. The differences can be explained by lack of info rmation or just the choice of the writer to not include something. Numerous other factors could also be accountable but they need not be. While having differences the Gospels contain beyond more than enough similarities to get the point across. Bibliography Michael D. Coogan, ed. The New Oxford Annotated Bible, Augmented Third Edition, New Revised Standard Version with the Apocrypha. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007. Bart D. Ehrman, A Brief Introduction to the New Testament. New York: Oxford University Press, 2004. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [1] Mark 3:8-11; Luke 6: 17-19 [2] Mark 6:7 [3] Mark 3:13 [4] Mark 3:13-14; Luke 9:12-13 [5] Matt. 10:2-4; Mark 3:16-19; Luke 6:14-16
Thursday, November 7, 2019
6 Idioms Using the Word for Dog in French
6 Idioms Using the Word for 'Dog' in French About 40 percent of the French consider their dogs the most important things in their lives. Thats good because there are 10 million of them in France, which works out to about 17 for every 100 people. Many of the smaller breeds live charmed lives in handbags, on restaurant chairs or eating gourmet doggie food; the countrys many hunting dogs are tolerated; dogs who chase cars apparently get chained up and sort of forgotten, and a lot of homeless pooches just run free. In the midst of all this is the growing French appreciation for the rights of dogs (and cats, horses, and other pets); 2014 legislation changes their Napoleonic-era status as personal property to living and feeling beings who can be protected from cruelty and inherit wealth. French Idioms Featuring Dogs Although the French may have a hot-and-cold relationship with their dogs, they are a part of everyday French life and have been for centuries. So naturally, dogs appear often in popular French idioms. Here are six French-language idiomatic expressions using chien, the word for dog in French Actually, the French word for dog can appear in one of three forms in expressions: as un chien for a male dog, une chienne for a female dog, or un chiot for a puppy. The latter is always masculine. Careful: The plural chiottes is slang for toilets. Traiter quelquun comme un chien Translation: To treat someone like a dogMeaning: To treat them badly, physically or emotionally Mon boss me traite comme un chien; il me parle agressivement, ne me fait jamais de compliment.My boss treats me like a dog; he speaks aggressively to me, never pays me a compliment. Avoir du chien Translation: To have some dogMeaning: To be attractive, to have a lot of charm. Used mainly for women Sylvie n’est pas vraiment belle, mais elle a du chien, et elle a beaucoup de succà ¨s auprà ¨s des hommes.Sylvie is not really pretty, but she has this special something, and she has a lot of success with men. Être d’une humeur de chien Translation: To be in a dog’s moodMeaning: To be in a very bad mood Oh la la, je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais je suis d’une humeur de chien ce matin!Oh my, I don’t know why, but I am in a terrible mood this morning! Avoir un mal de chien ( faire quelque chose) Translation: To have a dog’s pain (to do something)Meaning: To be in a lot of pain OR to find doing something very difficult Hier, je me suis tordu la cheville, et aujourd’hui, j’ai un mal de chien.Yesterday, I twisted my ankle, and today, it hurts like crazy.​ J’ai un mal de chien faire cet exercice de grammaire.I have a very hard time doing this grammar exercise. Dormir en chien de fusil Translation: To sleep like a gun’s hammer ​Meaning: To sleep in a fetal position, curled up in a ball​ Olivier dort allongà © sur le dos et moi, en chien de fusil.Olivier sleeps lying on his back and me, curled up in a ball. Se regarder en chien de faà ¯ence Translation: To look at each other like china dog statuesMeaning: To look at each other in a coiled, aggressive way​ Ils se regardaient en chien de faà ¯ence et on pouvait voir la haine sur leurs visages.They were looking at each other with intensity, and you could see the hatred on their faces.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Tips to Make Nail Polish Dry Faster
Tips to Make Nail Polish Dry Faster No one wants to wait around for nail polish to dry. There are lots of rumors of ways to get polish to dry more quickly, but which actually work? These are the best quick-drying nail polish tips submitted by readers. Feeling scientific? Take a look at the chemistry behind quick-dry methods and learn which really work. Tips From Readers Readers have tried everything to get nails to dry fast. Here are some of their top recommendations: Use cooking spray as one of the other ladies said. It will work and leave your hands not too dry. (_ ms. know it all)Get cold water and dip your fingers inside for about 5 minutes and let them dry (air dry) for 5 minutes. (Cas)While you have a pot of water on the simply just put your hands over it. Not only will they dry but they will become matte nails as well. So, its like two things in one. (Coco Puff)Step 1: Always apply thin coats. Step 2: Bow on nails and run nails through ice cold water. Step 3: Apply additional coats if needed and repeat steps. Step 4: Wait for 20 - 30 minutes before doing anything. Step 5: Cant be patient? Buy yourself fast drying nail polish and/or buy Seche Vite. (Nail Lady)All you have to do is turn the cold to the sink on and put your hands in it, they will be done in 30 seconds. (i help)Put your hands in ice water. It makes your nails dry faster. (Guest)Use ice and water. It works really well they will be dry before you know it. (Kiley)This is insane! O il sprays and quick drying treatments do not actually make your polish dry faster. They do, however, reduce the likelihood that youre going to ding-up/smudge your polish while its drying, by forming a slick surface on top. Quick-dry topcoats are similar. They dont dry the polish underneath, but they do harden on top of it. If youre not careful, you can end up scraping your polish right off if the under-layers are still tacky when you reach into your bag for your phone. It still makes sense to use the above methods when youre trying to preserve a brand-new manicure. Its also important to understand how they work so you can achieve the best results! (Kate) I was in a hurry and was about ready to just remove my polish. But to my surprise the cooking spray totally worked for me. My nails were dry almost immediately. Makes me wonder about the chemicals in the cooking spray though! (Pat)So, what I do all the time is I add a little bit of nail polish remover to the nail polish and mix it really good. You can add it to your colors and/or your top clear coat. The alcohol in the remover makes the polish dry much faster than ice water or a hair dryer. It also turned that old gloopy polish back to normal! (Anonymous)Dip your fingers inside a cup with cold water and ice and your nails dry up. (Tania)Try a hair dryer on medium setting. It heats it or try sticking your hand in a freezer. It may seem crazy but it works. (savvy monkey)Do not use heat. All it does is melt the polish! Definitely use ice cold water! Dries em in a heart beat! (jazmyne)Pam (you know, the cooking spray?) works wonders! All you do is spray your nails and leave it for about 45 seconds. Youll have to wash your hands good though, since it makes them kinda greasy. (Mandi) Thin coats dry fast. Try doing multiple thin coats instead of one or two thick gloppy coats. Trust me, it works wonders. (Ilty_909)Ice cold water or Pam spray works really well. Also using a fan works. (Blah)I always have a candle lit in my room so I just hold them over the candle for a bit. Dont burn yourself though. (Sienna)Apply a coat of peanut butter and it will work as long as you dont touch anything! Later on youll have a nice snack for later. (Angelica)Nail polishes are solutions of a polymer and need only to have the solvent removed. Blowing on them can cause blushing. Stand with you hands above a central heating convector, not electric and you should get nice glossy nails. (Norman Nicolson)I just use a quick drying top coat. That way I can get my favorite polish without having to wait forever to get on with my life. It takes about a minute to get really hard nails, but I guess it depends what you use and how many layers of polish you added. (Pretty in Pink)Air dust them or put your hand in ice cold water for 3 minutes to dry them. Spray cooking spray on them just in case! (Hannah Mahone)
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Museology of Natural History. Historic Museums And Climate Change Essay
Museology of Natural History. Historic Museums And Climate Change - Essay Example This pressing nature of the problem has necessitated the active participation of merely all sectors and institutions of the world towards alleviating the accompanying effects. Environmental organizations in the past have taken a leading role in informing the public, inspiring them as well as equipping them in manners appropriate to participate effectively in the challenge of controlling the climate change. This is because most of the recent findings point to human beings as being the main cause to the climatic change because of activities that lead to build up of green houses gases within the atmosphere. Burning of fossil fuels as well as deforestation has been majorly blamed on increasing the green house gases, which lead to global warming and in effect lead to the adverse effects that are seen from climate change and alteration of climate systems globally. However, lack of information by many people lead to the low participation towards curtailing the effects of climate change. Nev ertheless, the active participation of all human beings towards the problem necessitates that they are equally involved in finding the solution to the problem. Public awareness of the effects of personal activities towards rising levels of concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere as well as other environmentally unfriendly activities would play a great role in the efforts to contain climate change across the globe. This is the active role that most of the museums (not all) are currently engaged in with efforts towards alleviating the effects of climate change. Discussion Despite the active participation and the evident efforts by many world governments to educate the citizens concerning the problem, much is still to be done. This has therefore necessitated the active participation of nongovernmental organizations, scientific agencies and other institutions towards the common goal of environmental conservation with a motive of alleviating the effects of climate change. In particular, such active participation has been seen in the recent past from the historical museums across the globe. Most of the museums are taking active role in educating the public on such emerging issues in a timely way. There is growing evidence of scientific museums actively participating in empowering the public alongside other agencies such as environmental organizations through information in efforts to control climate change and hence the effects (Ryan, 2005, p. 4-5). The nineteenth century saw great revolution in creation of public awareness by scientific expositions as well as world fairs, which would later trigger active participation of the historical museums into the good course. The growing sense of responsibility over the time slowly led to the strategic moves by museums to participate actively in controlling the menace. The process of adopting the role of educating the populace concerning global warming and effects by the museums have seen development of educationa l theories as well as visitor research. The outcome of such efforts has been seen in development and adoption of conservation related exhibitions, which has been very instrumental in creating public awareness on the topic (Ryan, 2005, p. 23). Museums role as custodians of rich history not only safeguards the history but also enables there to be a link between the past, the present as well as the future. Sustainability has therefore shaped many of the efforts by the museums as defined by
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