Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Robinson Crusoe and Gullivers Travels the Soldier Within
The characters in Gullivers Travels and Robinson Crusoe are portrayed as resembling trained soldiers, being capable of clear thought during tense and troubled times. This quality possessed within Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver is a result of the authors background and knowledge. Daniel Defoe was knowledgeable and proficient in seamanship, he understood the workings of a ship and the skills required for its operation. Daniel Defoe, an intelligent man who is knowledgeable in self defense and military tactics, which is reflected in the actions of Robinson Crusoe who insists on always one step ahead of his opponent, wether it be an enemy, nature or himself. Robinson Crusoe is the know all, does all type of person. He becomes stranded on a†¦show more content†¦During the stay on the island, Robinson Crusoe became an architect, a carpenter, a baker, a tailor, a farmer, an umbrella maker, a preacher and even a man. But most important he learnt to respect fate.brbrSwift, a wise and ed ucated man, cleverly gains the readers respect during the progression of the novel. The first thought the reader has is that Swift does not even take Gulliver very seriously. For instance, his name sounds much like gullible, which suggests that he will believe in anything. Gulliver, an ordinary, good man, not rich and the son of a small country holder poses the drive for adventure and the quality of a mentally sound individual. In Lilliput, he shows himself to be good-natured and gentle with the tiny people. Gulliver assists in the war against Blefuscu by not injuring his enemies. But deprives them of their weapons which inflict damage. By doing so he immediately shows his noble generosity and respect for the liberty of others by refusing to enslave the Blefuscudians. Being treated poorly by the Lilliputians, Gulliver has two choices, 1. To flee 2. To kill his enemy. To his credit, he does not seriously consider killing his enemy, but rather flees. Gulliver has won the confidence of the reader as being trustworthy, a man of integrity, uprightness, sound judgement, and humanity. brbrThe shift in surroundings allows Gullivers mental state toShow MoreRelated Comparison of the Transformation of Characters in Gullivers Travels and Robinson Crusoe1426 Words  | 6 PagesThe Transformation of Characters in Gullivers Travels and Robinson Crusoe The characters in Gullivers Travels and Robinson Crusoe are portrayed as resembling trained soldiers, being capable of clear thought during tense and troubled times. This quality possessed within Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver is a result of the authors background and knowledge. Daniel Defoe was knowledgeable and proficient in seamanship, he understood the workings of a ship and the skills required for its operation
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Truth About Dreyfus Affair Sample Essay Topics
The Truth About Dreyfus Affair Sample Essay Topics The Hidden Treasure of Dreyfus Affair Sample Essay Topics These seven sample essays respond to a range of thought-provoking questions. Categories, essay topics might be divided into. The BOOKS page lets you know how to join different libraries and the way to have an inter-library loan. Just visit the search field, put in your topic and realize the list of essays collected from our site. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. Another good idea is to receive some completely free essay examples of different sorts and on various subjects to find a general idea of the way in which a thriving debatable paper looks. Utilizing reliable sources for research is vital. The very first step in the procedure for writing a top quality essay doesn't involve much actual writing. When you are requested to compose an essay, you should begin with reading through a superior sample essay to use as a guide. First and foremost it's essential to be sure that you comprehend the essay question fully and your essay answers each part of the question adequately. It's a review of the essay and thus you should not introduce any new points in the conclusion. To do so, you need to get a guide to compose the very best essay on the selected topic. Ultimately, if you are supposed to write and essay but have very little knowledge or interest in the topic, don't forget there are lots of custom essay writers which will gladly do the task for you. There's no ideal solution on how best to compose an effective essay. Nowadays it's quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. Stephen's essay is rather effective. It is better to get essays from experts who do their very best to be certain that the quality is all up to standard. Despite the fact that you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. Tell our experts what kind of homework help on the internet you want to get. Receive a full service with the highest quality of papers. One of the simplest papers that you could ever be requested to write about is anything that touches on current affairs. There is not a thing that should be any easier to write than this specific topic and because of this you will definitely have a less difficult time in the p rocedure. The press would perform a role from the beginning of the Dreyfus Affair, from the right time of Dreyfus's arrest to the time of his very first trial. It can be useful to let your paper rest for a little while before you start editing, when you have the moment. College application essay, is a significant aspect as it assists the panel, decide on the best students that show the proper type of motivation, for placement into a few of their programs. You may use narrative essay examples high school to find out more. Essay writing is usually practiced is schools. High school essay writing is a frequent classroom activity and is also part of several regular examinations. It's important the student can develop a thesis statement that's fitting with their objectives. Students have to compose essays based on the teacher's instructions or their preferred style in writing. When selecting the right college essay topics, they should be keen to concentrate on the main ideas they are trying to pass in their essay. High school students have to compose essays on a selection of topics which at first may appear to have nothing in common. All About Dreyfus Affair Sample Essay Topics There are lots of aspects about a sport that may be argued in an essay. China is a new financial superpower. Social networking is a cheap but efficient advertizing channel. To distinguish between the classes of essays is only a matter of identifying the author's objective. Think of what your readers want to understand about the subject and become a specialist through research. Writing an essay is a critical role in academe life. The key consideration to keep in mind is these expository essays are based on facts in contrast to the writer's beliefs or feelings.
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Traditional Skills Models in Hospitality
Question: Discuss about the Traditional Skills Models in Hospitality. Answer: Introduction: The term "Hospitality" refers to the friendly, and warm reception of guests, tourists, or visitors by the host and the involvement of various industries and institutions like hotels, motels, restaurants, clubs, etc. is named as Commercial Hospitality. It is defined as both social as well as commercial activity and engages a great relationship between the guest and the host (Sweeney and Lynch, 2009). The term is very much wider in its context and can be seen as an extension of the three domains which include domestic, social, and commercial. Hospitality in the home is a personal activity which does not involve monetary exchange and any financial transaction. Though commercial hospitality is based on the core themes and values of the domestic hospitality, but is not just an extension of it, rather it can be described as its domain. The process of commercial hospitality is very common and an ancient approach. The concept gained its importance and the reflection of modern day hospitality has discovered. It includes the use of hotels, restaurants, dines in and beverage outlets as a commercial activity. The literature also demonstrated that the commercial hospitality is vital and a necessary thing to attract tourists and industrialists to different cities as it has been seen as the greatest source of revenue by countries (Bell, 2014). The important point to note in this discussion is that the terminology of commercial hospitality did not come into existence instantly, but it existed several years ago in the form of hospitality in the home. But now the nature and scope of the term have changed, and it has been sub-divided into three major categories named as social, private, and commercial. It is no longer about providing the guest with food, drink, meals, and accommodation by the host, but it involves an impersonal exchange of money for assisting them (O'Connor, 2005). It is the common nature of human beings to have a desire to escape from its daily routine and gain some enjoyable experience. Travelling is considered as the best way of enjoyment and having an escape from the daily routine of life. Different persons have different motives and desires when it comes to traveling. Some desire to have an ultimate time of their life by visiting entertainment places while some others wish to see the cultural heritage and ancient history. It completely depends on a person's choice according to which they select their desired place to visit. But the choice of destination of an individual is highly influenced by the surroundings of his/her home itself. As an individual generally chooses the place which is quite the opposite in nature of its daily surroundings like if a person is living in an urban area, he/she will choose to visit some quiet places close to nature, or he/she will choose to visit hilly areas or beach places, etc., depending upon his/her likings (Jensen and Svendsen, 2016). The choice of destination also gets affected by various other factors of an individual such as his/her needs, motives, desires, search, emotions, and economic thinking. These all are the major factors that influence the decision making of the tourist to choose a destination for travelling. With regard to tourism, the search for authenticity or safety play a major role. Authenticity refers to the idea that is believed to be true or real and which can be worthy of belief (Ellero and Pellegrini, 2014). While travelling, an individual sometimes also demands to search for knowledge in order to understand the real self by exploring the authenticities of the real world. People often go to visit pilgrimages to gain religious knowledge and experience cultural importance by visiting the religious sites. The colorful dress codes based on the themes depicting the culture of a particular country like the advertisements by Mayan women in the city of Guatemala who are wearing the same colorful dresses showing the culture of the country and hand-made woven textiles made by the people in the cities influences the selection of cities by the tourists (Forno and Garibaldi, 2015). These are the things used as an attraction to bring more and more number of tourists in a country and highly i nfluence the choice of people. Safety is the major area of concern of tourists while selecting a place to travel. Feeling of safety and security for a traveler is a must thing and plays the primary role in the choice of accommodation. For a traveler, a wish to visit a place is directly proportional to the safety measures of the place. The most desired and visited places by tourists tends to develop and transform more so that it can attract more people and become a tourist destination. And in its development measures, safety and authenticity come first to ensure that people gain and share positive experiences of them with other which will bring popularity to the place and become a preferred city or country in the choice of tourists (Cheng and Wong, 2015). Contemporary forms and unconventional trends of commercial accommodation in the tourism sector has increased over the past years. It also involves the trend of sharing economy, which is a kind of a business, in which customers are allowed to use the products and resources of the citizens of the country without having the burden of ownership. The local citizen of the city get into that business, keeping in mind the tourist culture of the country. It provides enjoyable benefits and opportunities to the tourists to get immersed in the domestic culture and explore the place more peacefully. It generates a feeling of homeliness among the tourists and they become more comfortable and feel like a part of the community. Home-swapping in Italy is one of the most convenient example of sharing economy and a number of people are considering it as it comes with various benefits. The phenomenon of home-swapping involves a great deal of risk, but it is also found as a recent trend to share interest s with common people (Lekic, Mance and Herceg, 2014). Through these trends, the income and revenue generated by tourism sector also has increased enormously and people are reaping meaningful experiences out of it. There is also a need for traditional providers of accommodation to think and redevelop their planning and management strategies in order to compete with the recent trends of accommodation providers. They must think and redesign in a modern way to meet the needs and demands of the tourists and provide them great experiences. For the traditional accommodation providers, working on their marketing and advertising strategies will also help a lot in making them successful (Kowalski, 2013). There is a need to adopt new forms of providing accommodation to the customers by giving them value added benefits and extra facilities. Easy availability of local resources to the tourists by the providers will maintain their interest in the institution. They should also go for techniques of providing entertainment related to the countrys culture, maintaining the socio-culture authenticity and should develop new programs according to the tastes of the customers to make them feel even more special. Even t management techniques should be adopted at times of peak season and segmentation and target market is to be planned effectively by accommodation providers (Gore, 2000). These all are some of the guidelines that will help in enhancing the business of traditional accommodation providers and help them to compete in the market place with recent forms of business in the tourism sector. Taking an example of the city of Pondicherry which is called as the heritage coastal city in India. In recent years, the city demonstrated an ultimate growth in the alternative accommodation. When the guests and visitors of alternative accommodation were surveyed then the data collected showed that there are various points of differences that influenced their decision of staying in that accommodation (Baum, 2006). So, it is very important for the traditional accommodation providers to study and understand those differences using factor analysis and make changes according to that. Therefore, an in-depth understanding of all the topics related to tourism in this study made it clear that the commercial hospitality serves different motives and business than the domestic hospitality. It is the concept that came into existence considering the concept of hospitality in the home, but has different segments and methodologies. Commercial hospitality is the great part of the tourism sector that affiliates and assists the tourists by providing them various benefits according to their demands and needs when they visit unknown places for various reasons. It provides accommodation facilities as well as fulfill several other needs of the tourists to ensure that they gain enjoyable experience by visiting their city or country (Yeung, 2004). Commercial hospitality is of utmost importance to those who do not have any known person who can assist them in the city where they are visiting. And it also helps in enhancing the growth structure and economic development of the country. Thereby, commercial hospitality has been seen as the domain of the hospitality in the home not just an extension of it. References Baum, T. (2006). Reflections on the Nature of Skills in the Experience Economy: Challenging Traditional Skills Models in Hospitality.Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 13(2), pp.124-135. Bell, C. (2014). Tourists infiltrating authentic domestic space at Balinese home cooking schools.Tourist Studies, 15(1), pp.86-100. Cheng, S. and Wong, A. (2015). Professionalism: A contemporary interpretation in hospitality industry context.International Journal of Hospitality Management, 50, pp.122-133. Ellero, A. and Pellegrini, P. (2014). Are traditional forecasting models suitable for hotels in Italian cities?.Int J Contemp Hospitality Mngt, 26(3), pp.383-400. Forno, F. and Garibaldi, R. (2015). Sharing Economy in Travel and Tourism: The Case of Home-Swapping in Italy.Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality Tourism, 16(2), pp.202-220. Gore, J. (2000). Book Review: The Handbook of Contemporary Hospitality Management Research.Tourism and Hospitality Research, 2(2), pp.184-186. Jensen, S. and Svendsen, G. (2016). Social Trust, Safety and the Choice of Tourist Destination.Business and Management Horizons, 4(1), p.1. Kowalski, Z. (2013). Commercial hospitality as a business model in the independent hotel company.Managerial Economics, (14), p.99. Lekic, R., Mance, N. and Herceg, D. (2014). Home swapping: A new international trend: Emotions lead to an authentic experience.Turisti poslov, (13), pp.119-127. O'Connor, D. (2005). Towards a new interpretation of hospitality.Int J Contemp Hospitality Mngt, 17(3), pp.267-271. Sweeney, M. and Lynch, P. (2009). Classifying Commercial Home Hosts Based on their Relationships to the Home.Tourism and Hospitality Planning Development, 6(2), pp.159-170. Yeung, S. (2004). Hospitality ethics curriculum: an industry perspective.Int J Contemp Hospitality Mngt, 16(4), pp.253-262.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Lord Of The Flies Foreshadowing By Use Of Conflicts Essays
Lord Of The Flies: Foreshadowing By Use Of Conflicts In the beginning chapters of Lord of the Flies, William Golding foreshadows action that will come in the eleventh and twelfth chapters. He does this by introducing various conflicts. These conflicts are Ralph versus Jack, weak, represented by Piggy, versus strong and Ralph, representing order, reason, and humanity, versus chaos. It is obvious from the first time that Ralph and Jack meet that there will be a struggle between them. In chapter one when the two meet Jack automatically proclaims himself the leader while Ralph has himself in mind for the position (22). Although both boys wish to be in charge, they think very differently. Ralph proves himself to be logical and responsible by suggesting the building of a signal fire. He desires order, and rescue is his priority. Jack, on the other hand, sees the situation as a game and becomes obsessed with hunting. He even allows the fire to burn out so that a passing ship cannot see the smoke (67). As the novel progresses, the two distrust each other more and more, and Jack begins to adopt animal-like characteristics. For example, at the beginning of chapter three, Jack is crawling on the ground looking for pig tracks (48). These differences and confrontations, such as the one where the boys are on a hunt for the beast and Ralph asks Jack why he hates him, lead to the final conflict between the boys. By chapter eleven, Jack's tribe has completely separated from Ralph's group. Ralph, Piggy and Samneric try to reason with Jack, but the tension that has been building since the beginning of the novel finally erupts into a physical altercation. Because of the clues that Golding has given the reader throughout the book, this event comes as no surprise. Another conflict brewing during the plot is one of the weak versus the strong. Piggy is overweight, nearsighted, and asthmatic. His physical inferiority to the other boys on the island makes him a representation of weakness. Darwin's theory of natural selection basically says that only the strong survive. In this natural, wild setting where survival is key, it becomes clear to the reader that Piggy will not make it off the island alive. Surely enough, Piggy is knocked off of a cliff and killed as he tries to intervene between Jack and Ralph (180). The third conflict illustrated in the earlier chapters is one of order versus chaos. Ralph represents logic, responsibility, civility, reason, and order. He is clearly feeling frustrated by the immature actions of the boys when they refuse to help build shelters on the beach. The children would rather run about wildly and play than do anything grownup. Despite the emphasis that Ralph places on the importance of the fire, he is the only one who cares about it. In the final chapter, the boys from Jack's tribe are hunting him with the intent to kill. Roger has sharpened a stick at both ends, implying that the fate of the slaughtered sow awaits Ralph as well. The final conflict is between the age-old antithesis order and chaos. The boys, with the exception of Ralph, have lost nearly all of their human behavior and are running wild. They represent chaos. Ralph has managed to maintain rationality amidst madness, and he represents order. The examples of foreshadowing early in the novel give the reader an idea of what types of conflict to expect. They hint that this is not a mere story of innocent children marooned on a desert island. These examples begin the weaving of an intricate plot full of terrorism, savagery, and personal battles.
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